You've heard the saying "April showers brings May flowers" but what it fails to mention is the amount of rain and flooding that comes with the aforementioned showers. If your home is not properly prepared for the downfall of rain and rise of water levels in April then it could lead to water damage.
Here are a few tips on how to prevent water damage in your home.
Remove debris from the nearest storm drain. Regular cleaning of the storm will prevent any blockages from occurring causing flooding.
Test sump pump. Make sure the sump pump is running properly and install a backup pump and power supply just in case the original one fails.
Clean eaves troughs and extend downspouts. If the downspouts are too close to the house then the draining water could flow back towards the foundation of the house.
Flood shields. Install watertight barriers, known as flood shields, to prevent the passage of water through doors, windows, or other openings.
Check & seal your basement windows. Make sure your basement windows are tightly closed and properly sealed. Check for any cracks that any water could come through.
Keep sandbags nearby. Sandbags can be place around the home and near windows to stop the flow of water into your home.
Inspect your roof. The main thing that keeps the rain out of the house is your roof. Make sure you get your roof down regularly so the rain doesn't start pouring down while you're eating dinner.
The best thing to do before the rainy season starts is to check if your insurance covers water or flood damage in case an unpredictable event does happen in your home.