International Women's Day is on Tuesday, March 8th and West Island News would like to celebrate by appreciating all the women in our lives as well as bringing forth the conversation of safety and shelter for women in the West Island.
Women's shelters are extremely important to help those get the services they need whether that be a place to stay after a dangerous situation or a place to find aid in their sobriety journey.
The West island Women's Shelter (514) 620-4845
This shelter has offered free, confidential, safe haven to women and children of domestic violence since 1979. They offer many services to women and their families, such as housing, a warm welcome, a place of support and empathy as well as the opportunity to develop bonds with other women living similar experiences.
Centre de femmes La Moisson (514) 453-8720
This non-profit community organization helps women in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges regions by providing a variety of services. They offer individual helping relationships, personal development workshops and lots of fun group activities.
AJOI (514) 675-4450
This shelter is not only for women. it is aimed to maintain street outreach work services for youth 12 to 25 years old. With the support and proper information, AJOI helps provide services to youth and young adults facing homelessness, substance abuse, mental health, etc.
Maison La Passerelle (450) 798-2080
This shelter which started in 2006 aims to help women that on a voluntary basis or legal measure wish to get help and treatment for drug addiction and/or alcoholism. They have a welcoming atmosphere that promotes respect that is helpful for inner self-thinking. Madison La Passerelle offers treatment and accommodation services in a perspective where complete abstinence must become a way of life."
Chez Doris (514) 937-2417
Chez Doris is a day shelter that offers services and programs for vulnerable and homeless women. They are the only women’s day shelter in Montreal offering 24/7 service. They provide everything from hygiene products to housing in a non-judgmental environment.
These shelters provide crucial support and safe havens for women in need. For those battling addiction, access to Alcohol Medical Detox services can be life-changing.