On December 30th, the Quebec government announced yet another round of guidelines and restrictions in what to many has felt like a futile attempt to keep Omicron at bay.

With all the back and forth, it can be difficult to know you're actually following the rules. If you're unsure what's allowed and what isn't, continue below.
Gatherings were once limited to 20 people, then were reduced to 10 people just before Christmas, and then 6. Currently, no gatherings are allowed in Quebec. only those living under the same roof can gather. This rule applies at all hours of the day, not just the hours the curfew are in effect.
There are, of course, some exceptions to this rule. Those who are living alone can join another family bubble. Similarly, all those providing care or services to a vulnerable person or group of people are exempt from the restriction.
Those who are found gathering illegally will be fined 1000$ and up.
At this point in time, outdoor gatherings are still permitted, with a maximum of 20 people or 3 different households.
All outdoor gatherings must of course come to a close with enough time to allow all attendants to get home before the 10 pm curfew enters into effect.
Be sure to follow along for the latest updates as the situation in Quebec evolves.
SOURCE: Quebec Health and Safety