We are currently receiving numerous calls regarding the euthanizing of the Dorval bear. We are in no way connected to this decision.
The current call volume is clogging our lines and hampering our rescue operations for animals in distress. For any questions or to formulate your comments, please contact the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs directly:
To contact complaints management:
Mr. Démosthène Blasi
Head of Complaints Management
Deputy Minister's Office and Secretary Director
Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks
5700 4th Avenue West, A 413
Quebec (Quebec) G1H 6R1
Telephone: 418 627-6370 ext 704938
Toll-free: 1 855 279-9157
Fax: 418 634-3352
Email: complaints@mffp.gouv.qc.ca
SOURCE: Sauvetage Animal Rescue