The Health Minister held a press conference today.

The Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, provides an update on the use of the future vaccine passport in the province.
"We want to avoid a general lockdown, and that involves the two-dose vaccination," said Minister Dubé.
This evidence of adequate vaccination could be used for non-essential activities in the event of a deterioration in the epidemiological situation.
It could be requested for high-risk activities involving a limited number of people such as gyms, bars and restaurants or during team sports.
Moderate or low-risk activities involving a large number of people (arts and entertainment, festivals and major events, sports matches) would also be affected.
The Legault government aims to implement this vaccine passport on September 1, when the entire population over the age of 12 will have had the opportunity to have access to two doses of the vaccine against COVID-19.
"In the event of a further increase in cases, with the deployment of a vaccine passport, adequately protected persons will be able to continue their daily activities, and the economic and public sectors will be able to remain open," explained Minister Dubé.
For his part, the director of public health, Horacio Arruda, clarified that there is no "magic number" for an epidemiological threshold considered dangerous.
"We will analyse the situation. We will look at the number of cases of course, but also the impact in terms of hospitalization and morbidity," explained Dr Arruda.
Remember that according to data from the INSPQ, 95% of those infected or hospitalized last week were not adequately vaccinated.
Other benefits
- avoid isolation for 14 days after contact with a positive case
- avoid withdrawal from the workplace or teaching environment (in the event of an outbreak for example)
- no longer have to follow the recommendations on distancing and wearing a mask in private homes, both indoors and outdoors
- have the possibility to travel to several countries and the exemption from the 14-day quarantine on return
The government specifies that people who will not be adequately vaccinated will have to comply with the isolation instructions currently in force.