The Sûreté du Québec is asking for the public's help in finding Kevin Baboolal, aged 36. He was last seen on May 18 in the St-Lazare area. He may be traveling by bicycle or on foot. His loved ones have reason to fear for his health and safety.

Height: 1.70 m (5' 7")
Weight: 68 kg (150 lbs)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Baboolal was last seen wearing black jeans, a brown and beige hoodie, sunglasses, and a black bicycle helmet. He could be seen riding his "Schwinn" mountain bike. On the back of his bike was a trailer similar to the one in the photo.

If you have seen Kevin Baboolal, call 911. Any information that could help locate this individual can be communicated confidentially to the Sûreté du Québec's Centrale de l'information criminelle at 1 800 659-4264.
SOURCE: Sûreté du Québec.
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