On June 4, 2024, less than a week after Robert Miller's arrest, the Montreal Police Service's (SPVM) Sexual Exploitation Section arrested a 67-year-old woman named Teresita Fuentes. She was apprehended in Montreal on a warrant for a charge of pimping, linked to one of the 10 victims associated with the charges against Miller. Following her arrest, Fuentes was released on a promise to appear in court on July 3, 2024.
Ongoing Investigation
The investigation continues, and the SPVM urges any victims or witnesses of sexual exploitation related to this case or similar incidents to come forward by contacting the Sexual Exploitation Section at 514-280-8522. They can also visit their local police station, call 911, or provide information anonymously through Info-Crime Montreal at 514-393-1133 or via the form on infocrimemontreal.ca. All new information will be thoroughly analyzed.
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