Winner directs $25,000 donation to chosen Canadian healthcare facility.

HealthPRO, Canada's group contracting provider for healthcare, is pleased to announce Maggie Coffin Prowse from Grand Bay-Westfield, New Brunswick as the winner of its #FacesofCanadianHealthcare national art contest.
Launched in March to pay tribute to the healthcare workers that HealthPRO has been honoured to serve over the last 25 years, the contest received over 100 submissions from artists across nearly every Canadian province.
Earning the highest number of votes for her piece I See You, a reflection of nurses' comforting eyes, Ms. Coffin Prowse is taking home a $3,000 cash prize, and the opportunity to direct $25,000 to her chosen Canadian healthcare facility: Bobby's Hospice in Saint John, New Brunswick.
"This is a tremendous honour," said Maggie. "My aunt passed away from COVID and the last form of communication she received from a healthcare professional was through their eyes which is the focus of my piece. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to support Bobby's Hospice and my community with this incredible donation. Our healthcare system is driven by so many passionate and committed individuals whom I thank from the very bottom of my heart."
Brad Adams, Executive Director, Hospice Greater Saint John was thrilled to learn that they were selected as Maggie's charity of choice.
"Our ability to fundraise has been severely disrupted by COVID-19, so receiving this generous donation will have a massive impact on our organization! The staff, volunteers, patients and families of Bobby's Hospice congratulate Maggie for sharing her creativity to positively influence our community. We also extend our appreciation to HealthPRO for facilitating such an impactful contest and substantial donation during these trying times."
Renato Discenza, President and CEO at HealthPRO noted that this contest was a small way of showing tremendous appreciation for the healthcare professionals who make a difference in the lives of so many.
"As an organization that lives by Knowledge and Trust, I am incredibly grateful for the sacrifices of our healthcare professionals and that Canadians in need could trust in their knowledge, dedication and compassion throughout this pandemic and beyond."
Placing second and receiving a $2,000 cash prize for her submission The Price of Fortitude is Darlene Jordan Pfaff from London, Ontario and in third place, receiving a $1,000 cash prize, is Melissa Leah Bruglemans-LaBell from Airdrie, Alberta for her piece Coffee Break. To view all art pieces submitted, please visit